Hatha Yoga Stretch
The Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in New York 230 West 29th St., New YorkYour body houses divine light. Your body is the temple of God. The light exists in everything, in all places, and at all times. The more you become conscious of the divine light in your body, the greater you feel …
Tuesday Night Satsang
Satsang: (lit., the company of the Truth) The company of saints and devotees; a gathering of seekers for the purpose of chanting, meditation, and listening to scriptural teachings or readings.
Celebration Satsang in Honor of Gurumayi’s Birthday!
The Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in New York 230 West 29th St., New YorkIn honor of the birthday of our beloved Guru, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Siddha Yogis around the world celebrate Gurumayi's birthday during the month of June. We will come together here at our 29th Street Center for The Celebration Satsang in Honor …
Celebration Satsang in Honor of Gurumayi’s Birthday! Read More »