Shri Guru Gita
The Siddha Yoga Ashram in Manhattan 324 West 86th Street, New YorkImportant update for this, and all future, programs at the SYAM: Nametags will be provided and are required to enter the Halls. Please arrive early to assure your participation. The schedule for Sundays will be as follows: 9:30am - Hall …
SIDDHA YOGA® MEDITATION – Meditation Sessions 2019: Session IX
The Siddha Yoga Ashram in Manhattan 324 West 86th Street, New YorkFor the past four years, these sessions have offered students of the Siddha Yoga path an opportunity to deepen their practice of meditation through the lens of Gurumayi's Message for the year. The online series is designed to be especially …
SIDDHA YOGA® MEDITATION – Meditation Sessions 2019: Session IX Read More »